Archive | News and Testimonials


Drink a beer, change a diaper

I am super happy with my purchase from Holstar! It was shipped out within 24 hours and arrived in time for me to give it to my husband as a gift on his first Father’s Day! Now he can drink his beer while changing diapers 😉 He has used it while playing yard games, working […]

Galveston Seafarers Center

We recently donated some holstars to the Galveston Seafarers Center. This was their thank you mail to us! On behalf of the Galveston Seafarers Center, I want to thank you for your truly original and fabulously unique donation of holstars to be used as an auction item during our upcoming event on May 17, 2013. […]

FBI Holstar

Thank you for the nice email. I really like the personal touch of having someone generally interested in how I liked their product.   I bought the holstar for my husband (he’s a federal agent and gun lover so I knew he’d love it!). He thought it was such a great idea. He actually gave […]

Another Great Write-up!

We started selling our Plano holstars in a great store in New Orleans called SÖPÖ – aka Southern Posh – and through them we got a pretty sweet write up in an email newsletter from New Orleans tidbits. And just in time for Mardi Gras! Check it out at their website!